
Sunday, October 5, 2014


Being naked is a very natural, liberating thing-- especially on beaches of remote, supposedly deserted, islands. Basically, every beach we land on at any time during our kayak camping adventures is automatically transported to somewhere in Europe. This makes a lot of people uncomfortable: Unsuspecting kayakers rounding a point in Canada and coming across our sort-of-solitary bay of bodily liberation, large groups of day hikers startling my dad into streaking across the sand toward his pants, and random fishing boats we hope don't have binoculars put-putting by various bare Rolph's surfing or body surfing or building driftwood teepees. It also makes Zander uncomfortable, but we make him deal with it. People are supposed to be naked, and the fact that Puritanical American society has influenced Zander more than the rest of us (probably because he has more friends) is taken as a challenge. Here are some of the pictures we got that don't classify as child pornography:

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