On the final test, the chief throws his whale tooth into the ocean for the boys to get and none of them got it, so none of the boys could be chief. When the girl goes out looking for the whale tooth with her uncle, she finds the tooth and brings it back with a lobster. The girl is too shy to give the tooth to her grandfrather, so she gives it to the grandma who saves it for the right time to show it to the chief. He was still in denile.
Until one day, the grandfather finds whales washed up on the beach and he and the tribes people try to keep them wet so they will survive. All the people from the town help to keep them wet until the tide comes in so the whales can swim back into the ocean. When they all go back in for a rest, Pikea climbs up the barnacles on the biggest whale and starts kicking it so it wakes up and swims away. The girl rides it for a little while until it gets really deep. Then she lets go of it and swims back to shore and ends up in the hospital. When Pikea is in the hospital, her grandfather tries to say sorry and believes that Pikea is the prophet. She is the Whale Rider.
In the movie, Whale Rider, the grandfather refused to believe that Pikea could be the prophet, until he found out that she found the special whale tooth. Then the grandpa who is the chief stopped being mean to her because she is a girl and started to believe that she could be the prophet and future chief.
Hi Sarah,
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a good movie, I'll have to check it out. I didn't know that it was set in New Zealand. That makes it a bit more interesting to me. We have a movie projector at my house and have been watching movies more often. We project it onto our wall. You guys will see it when you come here! It's pretty cool!
xx Mingdeap
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your thoughts about various things and this one is the most interesting to me. You did an excellent jog summarizing the movie. I don't have to watch it to know all about it! Maybe, you could be a movie critic or a reporter! Thank you for sharing this with us:)