
Monday, May 30, 2011

The Day Hiking to the Glacirs Ak Ancorage

 Today we took a really long hike to the Glaciers. We saw  two of them and they were Giant!!! One of the Glaciers was 2 miles through the snow and the other one was a little less then one mile one way. But they both had a lake or a river coming out of them. Glacier water is really cold and looks like tropical water until you get to them then you realize how cold they are.

Zander Rolph 5-29-11


  1. Z--your up-close-and-personal day with those glaciers wil be story for your grandchildren. There won't be any glaciers when they arrive, so they'll want to see you photos! I bet the water was collllldddd!

  2. Dear Zander,
    My class and I really enjoyed your blog. We read it today because we are learning about recount writing. We see that your blog has past tense verbs such as, "saw" and "had". We would to see more details in your writing and learn from you.
    Kind regards,
    The students of 2 Lor.
