
Thursday, July 3, 2014

A Rolph Activities Update By Kayley Rolph

Sorry for the belated update, I was too busy being a teenager. This update will be super long because the last two weeks have been really busy with fixing the house, my birthday and the death of one of our roofers.

Hans passed away on June 20th, 2014. I briefly shared with you about Hans in my last update. But to tell the truth I don't know much about Hans except that he helped Bob roof the house, he liked to sleep in the back of the house during work, and he made some very entertaining remarks outside of the window two weeks ago (afore mentioned in my last update). The fact that my dad won't stop cracking jokes about Hans being dead is really disturbing though. His mentality is that it's easier to laugh than the other alternative. This is true but laughing about some one who has been dead for two days is a little much.

Now for some thing happy! The lanai roof is finally done!!! It has been framed, sheeted, painted and roofed to my dad's specifications. The view is awesome! and once we get it all decked it will be the place to be.

Last week was a painting week for Sarah, Momma and me. I still have a little white paint on my legs 4 days later! Trust me, I tried everything; swimming, scrubbing, scrubbing with sand, but the paint primer just doesn't want to come off! Sarah had the same problem, but worse. Our swim coach, Steve, kept making fun of her when she went  to swim practice covered in white paint splotches. 

This week Mia and I have been installing the Trex decking. After messing up a lot we are now pros at Trex decking! The deck is far from perfect but at least the mistakes are hard to see as long as you don't look closely. The Trex really expensive, it costs around $2.50 per linear foot so working with it was pretty stressful. Mia and I have been working really hard making sure the deck looks good so its a good thing we get paid!

Last Friday we moved the old appliances that were on the side of the house and put them in the dumpster. The appliances were all pretty moldy and trashed, but the ice chest was by far the worst. It was filled to the brim with murky brown water and it was rusted through in some places. The worst part of the whole thing was when we had the brilliant idea of emptying it out before we moved it and most of the water ended up in the house.I forgot to tell you about the cockroaches that infested the ancient ice chest. All in all, the whole adventure was a disaster.

Our second week here, we joined the Kona Aquatics team. This swim team has some of the best young swimmers in Hawaii, and I am definitely not one of them. It's not like I compete, so it's no wonder I'm slow. But the fact that kids two thirds of my age and a foot shorter than me are kicking my butt, is embarrassing. 

 Bob, our only remaining roofer, is almost done reroofing the house. Now our house resembles a French flag with the red roofing, white trim and blue house. I think it really pulls it all together and is so much better than the old roof. To refresh your memory, the old roof was all rusty and sported various questionable patch jobs. To say the least, the old roof wasn't very good at it's job.

On Monday, Sarah and Mommy painted the master bath. After they painted over the various layers of very pretty wall paper, the room looked newer and cleaner. Now its harder to notice all the termite damage and rot on the walls or, shall I say, non existent walls. I think that the wallpaper made up most of the walls, seeing as there was multiple layers of it and the original walls are about and inch thick.  

Sunday was my 13th birthday. Even though I officially have been on this earth for 13 years, I feel no different. That's the thing about birthdays. You think that it might make you feel a little older and more mature. But its not how old you are that makes you more mature or knowledgeable, its experiences  that change you. It's the same with most holidays. We make such a big deal out of something like some dead dude's birthday and use it as an excuse to give people presents, eat ridiculous amounts of food and trick little kids into believing in a mythical person who supposedly decides if they are good or bad people. Not that I'm complaining about the food and the presents but its weird that we think so much about these annual traditions. Anyway, we spent most of the day at the beach and went out for dinner on my b-day, it was all very relaxing. 

Almost every day we go surfing at our favorite spot on this island, Pine Trees. Pine trees is a beach, if you hadn't gather that already, and miraculously there is not a pine tree in sight. The origin of its name shall remain a mystery forevermore. My favorite time to go there is during the sunset because the temperature is perfect and the colors are truly breathtaking. To make it even better, the surf there is also pretty good and there's really good snorkeling.

Even though we have been working a lot lately, we've been playing a lot as well. With this balance, we are all pretty happy. Next week, we plan on demolishing a wall, painting and installing the deck railings, painting the exterior of the house, and hopefully finishing the master bathroom. I almost forgot, all us kids are doing the king's swim at 8 tomorrow.  Sadly, we have to be there at 6:50. Bye, at least until next week.

By Kayley Sienna Rolph

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