
Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Rolph Activities Update by Kayley Rolph

Hello everyone! Since we are nearing the end of our stay we have been working more to finish before we go back to California. The house still needs a ton of work and we only have four more weeks so we are all getting a little nervous.

This week Sarah and I were doing a junior lifeguard program from 8:30 to 2:30. The program was only five days but we did a lot of stuff, like CPR, rescue scenarios and first aid. There at two guys who run it, Uncle Hulka and Captain Cris. Uncle Hulka is retired and loves fruit, the ocean, and smiling. Captain grew up in  Southafrica and manages the lifeguards. The JG program was really fun and the fact that it was all day and we didn't have to work made it even more so. Uncle Hulka taught us the hula and the haka which was really fun to learn. On the last day we canoed to the end of the world to go cliff jumping, it was so awesome!! At the end of the course we even got a fancy certificate and a t-shirt not to mention that the whole thing only cost $20.

Mia and I have been fixing up the termite eaten windows this week. Well only Mia during the week but on the weekend I help her. All the windows were in need of some serious Bondo (refer to next paragraph), cleaning, rescreening and repainting. Mia did all the rescreening and repainting during the week and all the cleaning and replacing the hardware is for the today and tomorrow. We only have one wind completely done and it looks a lot better than when we got here but there are eight more to do.

For the las few weeks Mommy has been using Bondo liberally for patching up holes in the walls mostly due to termite damage. Bondo is like cocking in the sense that it fills holes in walls and such but it drys super fast. Because of the chemicals that make the Bondo dry really fast emits some extreme fumes that leave you feeling a little faint and weird. The Bondo is pretty gross stuff but it is probably the strongest part of the house now, which is really disturbing if you ask me.

At the beginning of this week and the end of last week Sarah and Momma were Bondoing and repainting the exterior back wall. The whole thing looks as good as new, but better because there are now some nice windows in it.

This week Zander, Daddy and Bob have been working on much of the back areas, including the back bedrooms and the master bath. The master bath is now painted and the shower surround is mostly tiled thanks to Bob. There is now one more bedroom in the back due the Zander nocking down a wall to join a closet and a pantry together. The boys also put a shower in the back bathroom with the pluming and digging through the slab to put it all in.

There has been tons of progress on the house but there is still so much to so that its depressing. On that note, I hope you all are having a fun summer, not working as much as we are and if you are I hope you are making more. Bye.

By Kayley Sienna Rolph

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