
Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Rolph Activities Update By Kayley Rolph

The Rolph's are still at it! We have been working about three hours a day this week and accomplishing a lot. Between surfing, swimming,reading, and writing we have been tearing it up working on the house, literally. We framed the lanai, painted a ton of lumber, reroofed the back part of the house, demolished the back closet/pantry, and cleaned up the hazardus attic.

My dad, Mia and Zander have been painstakingly erecting the lanai for the last few days. Although not quite finished it is exactly what we were looking for. The lanai doesn't obstruct the view and when it is finished it'll be a nice place to hang out if we can keep the bugs away.  

Our roofers, Bob and Hans, while providing much enjoyed entertainment and conversation starters, have been reroofing the backside of the house. The walls are so thin that when Hans makes a remark regarding his body odor we have to suppress our laughter. The old roof, creatively patched and rusted through in some places, when removed, reveled an even more messy attic. 

In the beginning of the week Sarah and I received the disgusting chore of cleaning out afore mentioned rat remains and Styrofoam peanut infested attic. Armed with gloves, a broom, and a dust pan we set to work removing insane amounts of termite and rat remains, Styrofoam peanuts, and... leaves? Don't ask why, it still boggles me that so many leaves (at least three trash bags full) could get in the attic, its supposed to be closed of.

My mom, being the the artist that she is, took over the painting of the new lumber. She decided that painting the lumber before installing it was the easiest way to go about it,  so that's what she has been occupying herself with all week. Since we don't have a paint sprayer, painting is tedious but great for revenge on an unsuspecting little sister. Long story short, Sarah and I had a paint fight on Wednesday and we still haven't been able to get all the paint off.

Friday found Sarah and I gleefully nocking down shelving in the back closet and pantry. Although our parents were planning on salvaging the shelves they are all pretty heavily hammered. It was and good day, ah, fond memories. The shelving was supper simple but was held together by tons of nails, so it took a lot of pounding to get it out.

I am sure the lanai and the rest of the house will be worth all the hard work. Next week we plan on finishing the roofing, including the lanai, and doing some more demo. I will continue to update you on the Rolphs miraculous adventures and powerful progress for foreseeable future. Bye, for now.

By Kayley Sienna Rolph

1 comment:

  1. The house is coming together nicely! It looks like all those hard work are paying off with amazing outcomes. Sure, there were still a lot to work back then, but one could already see the promising results. Cheers!

    Mathew Robinson @ Browns Roofing Company LLC
