
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hawaii beaches by Sarah🏄

During our stay here in Kona, Hawaii, we are going to the beach twice a day. Last week we went to 3 beaches: Pine Tree, Keauhou Bay, and White Sand Beach.

          Why is Pine tree beach called Pine Tree if there isn't a single pine tree in sight? Pine Tree is the  best surf spot ever. We go there almost every day. The only problem with the beach are the rocks. While riding the waves, you have to be able to get out of the waves at the right time or you would crash into the rocks. That happened to Kayley on Wednesday, she did not get off of the wave on time so she got run into the rocks and got out with a scraped knee. 
           Down the hill from our house there is Keauhou Bay where you can snorkel. At the bay there are coral reefs and a bunch of very pretty fish. My favorite one is a medium sized bright rainbow fish called the uhu fish. The fish I saw most was a skinny yellow and black fish with a long thin fin that trailed behind it called the moorish idol.
 It was interesting to  watch the tourists go into the water with a bunch of flotation devices cause shouldn't you be able to swim if you're  going snorkeling?  At the bay, there is also a surfboard rental place that all the tourists go to  to go surfing in the bay with an instructor. It is very common to see tourists wearing bright rashgards on rented  soft top long boards riding a tiny wave.  

            Up the street from Keauhou Bay there is the White Sand Beach, that is made of mostly white sand and is a major tourist beach. Based on my experience yesterday, there are a lot of  boys trying and sometimes failing to boogie board big strong beach breakers. Those who were failing got flipped   or pummeled by the waves ( go waves). Also yesterday their was an Asian couple that went into the water with snorkeling gear, a little kid boogie board and a GoPro. Within seconds, they had lost their GoPro and groped the sand in the water for it.  Later when someone found it they ended up without their boogie board or snorkel gear. At least that's what Kayley told me because I was too busy playing in the water.

            My week was awesome because I got to play on the warm pretty water a ton! Next week I hope to find a good surf spot that doesn't bash you into the rocks!!!😈

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