The Hawaiian Island chain was started around 60 million years ago and still has volcanic grounds on The Big Island. Hawaii was first inhabited sometime around 500 BCE by Polynesians. Currently you are most likely to see white people Iike tourists.
On the north America plate their are four hotspots: Yellow Stone, Bermuda, Raton, and Anaheim. Yellow Stone is a National Park that is preparing to erupt and its going to be big, like HUGE!!! But its not suppose to happen for like 2 million years. Bermuda hotspot is in the middle of the Atlantic and is the reason for a chain of rises called the Bermuda rises. The Raton Hotspot has been in Arizona and New Mexico and is now currently in New Mexico. The Anaheim hot spot is in central British Columbia in Canada.
The plate tectonics usually make volcanos at there edges but in some cases ( like Hawaii ) they are in the middle of the plate. The plate tectonics can affect humans because they cause earthquakes that kill people! They also affect the climate when they shift to cause the land or ocean shift to different positions.
In the end, I think it is very interesting that nature can fight back and kill us with volcanos and earth quakes! In the next month and a half I hope I can see running lava and build a model to watch it explode!
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