You can expect a lot from a bay, but I have never expected to find a bay as cool as Keauhou Bay. Keauhou Bay has a sometimes awesome surf break and calm snorkeling waters. It can entertain the interesting people for a life time(on the good days ). In the snorkeling area, I have seen many fishes, corals, and sea urchins.
In Keauhou Bay, I have seen the Humu Humu Nuku Nuku Apuaʻa, the Yellow Tang, Morish Idol, Orange Pined Tang, Nunu, Lau Hau, Thread Fin Butterfly Ulua, Saddle Wrasse, Lemon Butterfly, Pyramid Butterfly, Ornate Butterfly, Uhu Blue Bollethead. My favorites are the Nunu, Humu Humu Nuku Nuku Apua'a, Uhu, Lau Hau, Threadfin Butterfly and Teardrop Butterfly Fishes. I like them because of their names and how they look. As I have been observing, I noticed, that the fish pecked at the coral to eat the calcium off of them.
While swimming around you can see the fishes habitats -coral. In Keauhou Bay, I have seen the Fuzzy Table Coral, Blue Rice Coral, Sandpaper Rice Coral, Rose Atoll Coral, King Man Reef, Lobe Coral, Lace Coral and Rice Coral. Since coral is boring, I'm going to move on to the interesting stuff like perhaps sea urchins.🌴
Like the fish the sea urchins have been eating away at the coral to make a nice cozy alcove the that people can step in and get stabbed! During our stay in Hawaii, I have seen 7 different types of urchins. I have seen the Slate Pencel Urchin, Pale Rock-boring Urchin, Black Boring Urchin, Needle Spined Urchin, Blue Black Urchin, Long Spined Urchin and the Baned Urchin. My favorite urchin is the Needle Spined Urchin because they have the sharpest and the longest spinds so its more likely that you will get stabbed and that it will hurt a ton!!!💉
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