In the little street mall close to my house there are like five variety shops and charity barns where you can get some really nice things! If you are willing to dig around a bit, that is. When mommy gave us $10 each to get a Halloween costume the discount shops were pretty much the only places we could go. We went to the charity barn which is a big shop (if you can call it that) that people bring in used stuff and they sell it for a few bucks. All the money that comes in goes to charity. I've nicknamed it the dust barn because the dust in there is unbelievably thick. Its full of a bunch of people's crap that they don't want anymore, so most of it is stuff from the '70s and '80s. There's everything from candles, to clothes, to random scraps of fabric. There are shoes for $2 and clothes for less than $1. I guess you pay for them by having to dig through the bins and loaded racks while breathing truckloads of dust into your lungs.... Anyways, I scored a pair of cute flats, two jackets, some cargo pants, and my whole Halloween costume besides the devil horns, tail and pointy trident thing. That was from the variety shop down the street for $3. All of the clothes together was about $7!!! I came out of the store in such a good mood that I gave a few bucks to the old man outside playing the harmonica. Inspired, I continued my search for painfully cheap things at a variety shop next door. There I found some $2 make up!! My lucky day! It was really crappy though, so I just got some eyeshadow in metalic colors and some red lipstick. Its great, but the eyeshadow has a hugely irritating tendancy to gather in the crease of my eyelids, so I made a mental note to not buy anymore cheap eyeshadow (and to buy heaps of cheap lipstick!!).My point here is that cute clothes are cute clothes. They're price doesn't affect their cuteness at all. If you have to go into the lair of the dust monster and dig through racks full of granny pants and leather flares, so be it. Just make sure you wash it all before you wear it. Chances are it's been there since the '70s!
Mia, you're awesome! I love a girl who could bare to search for great bargains! Your perseverance paid off well! I am glad you found a few fun things amidst the dust storm. And still let your kindness shine through:) You inspire me to see beyond ourselves to the less fortunate in our midst. Mia, your caring attitudes will bring multiple blessings to you and people around you.