I expect Europe to be expensive and pretty, especially Paris, France. I think it will be clean and unpolluted and it will have lots of tall buildings.
I expect the big European cities will be nice but expensive. Paris will be expensive because it has the Eifel Tower that is world famous. It is a really huge city and I heard it was really expensive. London is also a big city and has Big Ben and I expect it to be expensive. I think that Italien food and places to stay will be expensive compared to Cairo. The restaurants and hotels in Cairo were not very nice looking from the outside because the buildings are covered in layers of dirt.
I expect lots of the cities that we visit in Europe to be big and clean like Paris,Venice, and London.
Cow crossing the road in the middle of a market in India. |
I think that they will be a lot nicer than Cairo because Cairo is really polluted. You could barely see across the street because it is so dusty and smoggy. I also expect people in Europe to put there trash in the trash cans and not throw it in the ocean or streets or empty lots like in Egypt and India. In Alexandria, where we are now, a kid took a bag of trash from us and threw it into the Mediteranean Sea. He was showing us where to put the trash because we were carrying it around to throw away in a trash can. I don't get it that they throw their trash away into the sea and 10 feet away, there is a guy fishing. It makes me sad that that kid didn't care for his country, but I did see lots of grown ups cleaning up the beach and city streets in Egypt. I expect Europe to be a lot less polluted and trashed.
Camel on a highway stop in India. |
I expect lots of traffic and shiny buildings and shops in Europe. I think that there will be lots of cars and people, but no camels, pigs, donkeys, goats, or feral cows on the streets in the big cities like in India and Egypt. Even in the big cities in India and Egypt there were camels, pigs, donkeys, goats, and cows in city traffic. It was common to see an old man carrying his hay, riding his donkey in the city and camels carrying trailers full of stuff in the traffic. I expect to maybe see some horses,cats, and dogs in the city streets in Europe with lots of cars.
Old man on a donkey with hay on the freeway in Egypt. |
I think we will be going to be cheapos in Europe, so I'm lowering my expectations. I'm most looking forward to Paris and the Eifel Tower, but I can't wait to get back to California. I think Europe will be the most fun continent because it will seem nice compared to India and Egypt. It will not be as dirty and be kind of like Turkey which was nice but it will be more expensive especially near the tourist traps. I think it will be very fun especially after this and I will want to see it again some day after we see the rest of the world. I think it will be busy, friendly, and not dirty. It will have many apartment buildings, malls, and business buildings. I also think there will be beaches and harbors, but they will be separate. I hope it's warm, but I don't think it will be. I'm prepared for cold. I just think it will be very interesting and we will try new stuff and have lots of fun. I don't think we will buy anything like clothes in Europe that we don't need because it should be very expensive there. So, it would be a waste.
My expectations are kinda high because I've seen lots of movies and heard stuff about Europe, and they make Europe really good and pretty. I think they shouldn't be there because I should keep them low, so I don't get disappointed. For example, I thought India was going to be clean because I had seen movies about India. In the movies, India was really clean. When I got to India, I was sad that it was trashed.
Sarah--this is a 2 for 1 comment--it covers both of your last posts. I enjoyed them both very much.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I was delighted that you enjoyed your time on the boat so much. You deserved of good time on a boat with great food, a swimming pool, beds, and someone else doing all the planning and arranging. I'm glad the good times came your way.
And then I was very interested to hear what you thought was coming to you when you got Europe. Clearly, your time on the Eiffel Tower is going to be a very special time. That seems to be your favorite prospect. But I bet you will have a chance to see a number of other things that you will like and that may mean more to you than some similar things you have seen because they will be more familiar--like churches that have beautiful architecture and sculptures of things you recognize and understand. It always helps when the things you are looking at are a little familiar.
Perhaps you will also go to museums and see some famous paintings--like the Mona Lisa--and other things-- like the first bible ever printed. You never know what you might find. And Europe has many more museums than India, Cambodia, or Egypt. So keep your eye out for them.
You're right--clean but big and busy cities and expensive food. The cities are pretty much like LA--although perhaps a bit smaller. The streets are very clean [although not as clean as Singapore, probably!] and trash cans are ubiquitous [look that word up!]. And food in Europe is much more expensive than any place you've been. But it's good. And you can always drink the water. So that's a plus. The food in Greece is very good and may be pretty cheap. You'll have to tell me.
As for "warm"--I guess you're right. Cold to begin with--but turning warm. So, by May, Cordoba should be very warm! I don't know what Greece will be--but you will find out very soon!
So, now that I've learned about your expectations, I'll be very interested, Sarah, in the post where you tell me what you actually find. What was the same and what was different than you expected?
Meanwhile, let me send my love to you and my hopes that you enjoy Greece! bippy