
Saturday, March 10, 2012

a Day Looking at Famous Squares by Kayley Rolph

That's daddy and me in front of the obelisk at Piazza del Popolo. 
         Yesterday was an interesting day mainly because Zander had to buy his first condom and we saw some really cool sculptures and fountains. We went to Trevi Fountain, Piazza del Popolo, Piazza di Spanga.  Zander had to buy his first condom for health and family living class Daddy is teaching us Zander was NOT happy about having to buy a condom.

Sarah and I by the obelisk.
    All the squares we saw had some things in common. They all had fountains and statues and some times churches. The first square we saw had an Egyptian obelisk in the middle of the square this square is called Piazza del Popolo. On either side of the square were stone scenes of gods.  One was of Poseidon that was above a fountain and another of Athena. We went to another fountain that was really cool because there was a sculpture of Poseidon and water was running down the statue. This fountain is called Trevi Fountain. We all were sitting down on a stone bench people watching when a couple next to us got engaged. It was funny to watch the couple get there picture taken in front of the fountain by this funny little guy with a huge,weird looking camera. I really liked the fountain and squares because they were nice and reallaxing and there was allways some thing or some one to look at.
I'm in the room were Keats died.
     Next to the piazza di Spanga (Spanga= Spain, Piazza= square) Mia, Mommy and I saw the Keats and Shelley's Memory House.The Memory House was a museum with bookshelves that covered the walls and touched the ceilings. These bookshelves were full of old poetry books written by famous poets. I learned that Keats died of tuberculous like the rest of his family. Keats died when he was 25 after being sick for a long time. I don't remember how Shelly died but his friends found him very decayed on the beach and burried him in a shallow grave on the beach only to be founed again some time later.all this information was writen on plastic placks next to paintings, letters and open books all in rickety show cases. th emeuseum was really realaxing because ther were famouse books on a long table for people to read and sit in wooden chairs that lined th room. 

Zander after he bought his first condom.
    Also, Daddy made Zander buy a condom for health and family living class. Zander really didn't want to buy a condom, because he thought it was going to be really embarrassing. I thought the whole thing was hillarious. But,Zander got really grumpy and tried to negotiate with daddy so he wouldn't have to buy the condom. But daddy finally threatened to make him do dishes for the rest of his time with us and not buy him gelato. So Zander, determined not to buy the condom said there were no condoms in every pharmacy that we went into. Daddy kept taking us all to more pharmacies and not buying the rest of us gelato. So finally, Daddy said that if Zander didn't buy it in the next pharmacy, he'd make him do the dishes and make him pay for the condom if Daddy found one when he went in. Finally, Zander bought the condom and he wouldn't let Mommy take a picture of him, but Mommy got one anyway. The whole thing I think was really good for Zander and was really funny for us.

   Yesterday was a very funny, realaxing, and eventful day. It made us all tired and Zander turned into more of a man. I really liked the meuseums, fountains, and squares we visited. The fountains and squares had some really cool sculptures. The meuseum made me feel like I was walking in a huge library with tons of good stories just waiting to be read. Yesterday was a really realaxing and funny day and I hope we have another on soon.

By Kayley Sienna Rolph    
Mia and I in front of Trevi Fountain.


1 comment:

  1. Kayley--Lots of good stuff in your post. Did you throw a coin in the Fountain of Trevi? It's a very famous and romantic fountain, and was the subject of at least one movie--Three coins in a Fountain. I remember it from the first time I ever was in Rome.

    Is the Spanish Plaze the square by the Spanish Steps?? That's also a beautiful place to hang out a bit. I love the long arc of the stairs.

    As for everyone getting a laugh out of Zander's assignment, I think I'm on Zander's side. I'm not sure that I think it's an appropriate assignment for public participation. Would you be very happy if your Dad made you go into the pharmacy--with all your siblings guffawing behind you- and made you buy tampons??? Rather, the condom exercise might have been a little less threatening if your Dad and Z had gone quietly into the pharmacy together and your Dad had bought the condom with Z there to watch. I'm just sayin'...

    Sounds like Rome's been a great experience. Hope you enjoy the north of Italy as much.
    and much, much love, bippy
