
Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Real and Fakes in James Bond by SARAH

             Some time ago we watched a James Bond movie because our relative, Ron, told daddy it had the monasteries in it.  But instead, it had lots of sites that looked like it was a set.  In the James Bond movie, The Spy Who Loved Me, everything is fake and has something wrong with it. Even though they filmed it in Egypt, they don’t get anything right in the movie. Even what anything looks like and that is really funny that they didn’t know anything about the country.
Inside Abu Simbal with mommy.
Inside work shop in Abu Simbal.
            One thing that is way wrong is the geography. It was way wrong because it seems as though they have never seen a map of Egypt. Even the slightest look at a map will show you if you were in Luxor and Abu Symbol is one way and Cairo is the other. In the movie, they took a felucca that was supposed to take them to Cairo but instead it took them to Abu Symbol which is the other way, but is not in the James Bond’s standards.  It really surprised me when daddy told me it was filmed in Egypt.
Me with the REAL PYRAMID.
Fake Pyramids in movie.
            The pyramids were fake also because the flat toped one is not only flat toped it is flat bottomed too. They also wouldn’t let them fight at the great premeds Giza or shout their guns, because they might miss and hit something. If you look closely and pause the movie, the last pyramid is too far away and too small. The Sphinx and around the Sphinx looks new, shiny, and like complicated stirs. The bottom of the Sphinx is a lot like a pyramid. I think the Great Pyramids of Giza are the most recognizable things in the whole movie and that is very strange. The real view is three pyramids each getting smaller but equally spaced in between. The Sphinx is layered but does not look new around. It is not spiky or like steps either.
Fake Karnak tempel in James Bond.
Mamma and daddy in Karnak Temple.
Ramses in Luxur Temple
 with Mia and Kayley!!!
             Another thing was the Karnak and Luxor Temples were very confusing in the movie.  It didn’t make any sense because it is half Karnak Temple and half Luxor Temple. How it is half and half because the outside is Luxor Temple and the inside is Karnak Temple and there are tons of different things in them. The first is the size and Karnak Temple is about three times bigger than the Luxor Temple. Plus, they are 4 km apart and connected by Sphinx Avenue which is mostly covered by modern city streets and buildings. I can tell it was them, because at the front of the temples, they have 6 ruined statues of Ramses the 2nd around the entrance with 4 left because two got destroyed. I can tell Karnak, because inside, it has lots of tall columns organized in lines. Also in the columns, Ramses II name is carved in clear and deep, so no one can erase it.  Even though, he erased the other names that were there first. Also, in the movie, the temples were in the middle of the desert instead of a large city.
             If you go to Egypt and watch the James Bond movie, The Spy Who Loved Me, you will see the real place and the movie sets and see the differences between the movie and real life in Egypt.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah--thanks for this complicated post. It's way too complicated for me, because I haven't seen the James Bond movies. But, I liked all you had to say and the pictures--especially the one of Ramses in Luxor. He's HUGE!!!

    But now you have left Egypt behind and are about to experience the charms of Italy--not to mention the great food. So, enjoy! And tell us all about it when you have a chance.

    much, much love bippy
