
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Last Night in Greece by Kayley Rolph

There's the hail and rain in the Plaka.
We spent our last night in Greece with Ron in Athens. We ate a delicious dinner at Ron’s apartment. Daddy made his famous cheesy Mac & cheese. Before that, we walked around in the rain and hail. The hail was the size of a small marbles and they were falling hard from the sky. the hail was exiting when it was falling, but when it melted on you it's really cold. It was nice to be able to cook in a nice apartment and dry after a rainy walk in the Plaka (long market that seems to go on forever) I think we walked for a long time but maybe it seemed long because I was cold.
That's us lounging on top of a mountain,rock looking over the city.
We met up with Ron near the Agora when it was just starting to really rain. Surprisingly, a thunder storm  started and the thunder was really loud and booming. I kept saying ”I don’t think Zeus is very happy” and Mia agreed with me. Ron took us to a gelato place, since we’ve been looking for one while we were walking to meet him. I got a mocha flavored gelato that tasted like coffee ice cream. The gelatos cost 2 Euros each and they were good! After the gelato we walked home trying to keep dry but failed miserably. We were all relieved to get into Ron’s apartment and peal of our wet things and try to dry them. While us girls dried of and made ourselves tea, the boys went off to get the groceries for dinner. For dinner, we had daddy’s cheesy Mac-n-cheese, Greek salad, and Ron made burritos. I really liked to Mac-n- cheese, but the burritos were a little to spiced up for me. At dinner, Ron told us about how the Jews got pushed around by a bunch of people and how they fought for the place the English put them two times against the Arabs. When dinner got finished up and cleaned up after, Ron went out and brought back some cherry cake that looked really yummy and was!  Mia divided up the cake.  I chose  the biggest piece, but she took it instead. But the cake was really yummy any ways. 
 The last night at Ron’s apartment was a blast and the food was delicious. Although it was sad saying bye to Ron and Greece, the rest of the evening was nice, except for the rain and the huge hail. My family is always having adventures.  The Greece adventures might be my favorite adventure so far.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kayley Sienna Rolph--I'm glad our last night in Greece was such an unusual and festive one. Unusual because Zeus had you in his sights and managed to give a great send-off with hail and booming thunder and festive because is sounds like you had a great evening wrapped in the warmth of extended family and cherry cake. A delightful way to wrap up Greece.

    I want to know whether gelato in Italy is even better than the yummy stuff in Greece. Hope it is and that you are enjoying some right this minute--as I write.

    Miss you and love you! bippy
