
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Public Realationships in Italy by Zander

Italy has some really amazing sights, but it is hard to keep all your belongings safe while seeing them. Italy has the great roman empire, the Vatican, and the pope. Every town has some masterpiece, or a nice church. With all the amazing things Italy should be safe to travel in, but they need to be more friendly and more open to touarised.

In Italy the Italians make it really hard to be a tourist in there country. When we rented a car, we found out on the first street that they don't have any rules, or at least they don't follow them. The cops don't cair about the streets. The hotels like to add extra prices to their rooms, after we stayed in them. My most memorable experience was when we had just pulled into a toll booth. My dad had to make a u turn, the man in the booth wanted to charge us for both ways. My dad got really mad, he turned off his car and just hated there. The guy in the booth shut down. He closed the window and walked away. We waited for a little wile,then went to another booth. I was happy because my dad had gotten his anger out. It is hard to have a constructive conversation with Italians because they don't like the tourist.

Italy is the first place that we have gotten something stolen from us. We were at the Leaning Tower of Pisa and we had left the laptop bag, with the laptop in it. We had left the car with some sketchy parking people. When we got back form the tower one of our car windows had been punched in. Our laptop was gone. None of the guys that were helping us park were there. We looked all around sand there wasn't a trace. My dad thought that the car park people scoped out the good cars, and then told there friend take what was valuable in the cars. When we went to the police station,the police didn't cair, they had us fill out a form and then the probably thought it in the trash. There have been other situations where we have been almost pick pocket but they didn't take anything. Most of these attempts have been on the subway. There is a general dislike towards tourist, i think that is because they have to many already.

Italy is known for some really nice people. But they aren't nice to the tourist. When we were with the withers in the country people were really nice. They offers to have us spend the night with them and we didn't even know them. I think that it helps to have a locale with us, then the people will be really nice. I think that the Italians are really nice, but only with each other.

I can't publish pictures because I domt have a computer at the moment sorry!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Z--I'm sorry that you guys had to go through all that hassle and nastiness having your computer stolen. Things like that definitely color your memories of a whole big experience. But it seems that the rest of your time in Italy didn't do much to counter that one experience. Sorry people seemed so much less friendly. I think you're right. They have so much tourism, it's just a pain for them. They don't think of it as an economic benefit. While other countries like Turkey and Greece may have somewhat less and find the visitors more of a treat.

    Burma was like that except more so. They were wonderful!! They went way out of their way to help. They never stole anything. They never asked for anything. They often wanted to talk. But then they have practically no tourists---yet.

    But now you are off in Portugal, so Italy probably seems very, very distant. I am hearing good things about Spain. Hope that you share those positive views.

    We will see you in about 6 weeks! Can't wait. much, much love. bippy
